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Makanan Sehat dan Makanan Beracun

Written By rajablos on Selasa, 27 Maret 2012 | 01.49

Makanan Sehat dan Makanan Beracun Makanan merupakan sumber energi dengan kandungan nutrisi yang penting bagi tubuh. Namun, di balik manfaatnya, sejumlah makanan berpotensi menyimpan racun yang bisa membahayakan tubuh.

Berikut sederet makanan yang rentan membuat tubuh keracunan jika dikonsumsi tanpa memerhatikan kondisi dan pengolahan yang baik.

Seperti makanan lain, telur juga dapat terkontaminasi bakteri berbahaya, seperti Salmonella. Karenanya, biasakan selalu membeli telur dari toko yang bersih dan kredibel. Setelah mencuci permukaannya dengan air bersih, segera simpan di lemari es. Masak telur sampai matang sebelum mengonsumsinya. Bagi yang terbiasa menyantap telur mentah atau setengah matang, sebaiknya waspada karena telur mentah yang terinfeksi bakteri bisa memicu gejala keracunan berat.

Jenis ikan ini rentan terkontaminasi scombrotoxin, yang dapat menyebabkan kram dan sakit kepala. Pastikan menyimpan tuna di tempat dingin, kalau perlu di atas permukaan es. Tempat penyimpanan yang terlalu panas akan merangsang pelepasan racun yang sulit hilang lewat proses pemasakan. Hindari menyantap ikan tuna setengah matang tanpa tahu kondisi penyimpanannya sebelum diolah.

Tiram dan jenis kerang lainnya dikenal sebagai makanan yang paling berpotensi menyimpan racun dari lokasi berkembang biak. Jika ditangkap dari perairan yang tercemar, kerang-kerang itu kemungkinan besar juga telah terkontaminasi racun. Dan ketika masuk ke tubuh, bisa memunculkan reaksi seperti muntah, demam, dan diare. Berhati-hatilah saat membeli tiram atau kerang.

Kentang mengandung racun alami, yaitu solanin dan chaconine. Racun itu umumnya terkandung dalam kentang yang berwarna hijau, bertunas, dan secara fisik telah rusak atau membusuk. Terkonsentrasi di daerah yang berwarna hijau, kulit, atau daerah di bawah kulit. Karenanya, hindari mengolah daging kentang yang masih muda atau berwarna kehijauan. Hindari pula memasukkan tunas-tunas kentang yang menempel ke dalam olahan makanan.

Paling rentan terkontaminasi bakteri, seperti Salmonellaor Listeria. Dalam kasus langka ekstrim bisa menyebabkan wanita hamil yang mengonsumsinya keguguran. Itulah mengapa wanita hamil disarankan menghindari konsumsi keju kiloan di pasar. Dan bagi penggila keju, biasakan membeli produk bermerek di supermarket yang tersegel dengan baik dan mencantumkan tanggal kedaluarsa.

Buah beri
Rentan tercemar bakteri Cyclospora, yang bisa memicu kram, dehidrasi dan diare. Itulah mengapa ada beberapa orang yang alergi terhadap jenis buah seperti stroberi, raspberry, dan blackberry. Makanan Sehat dan Makanan Beracun
01.49 | 0 komentar | Read More

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

Written By rajablos on Jumat, 16 Maret 2012 | 05.45

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia merupakan promosi Yang dilakukan Oleh Minimarket Lokal Terbesar dan Minimarket Pertama Terbaik Indonesia guna untuk menarik Simpati dan Perhatian lebih dari masyarakat untuk menjadi Member Alfamart dan khususnya pecinta Informasi internet dengan menyelenggarakan Promo Indonesia Kontes SEO Alfamart 2012.

Member Alfamart Adalah sebutan untuk para pelanggan setia Alfamart.Para member Alfamart akan mendapatkan berbagai macam keuntungan dan kejutan special dari Alfamart seperti: HematKu, Kalender Belanja, Specialku dan Hadiahku,serta program ekslusif lainnya. Member Alfamart adalah pelanggan yang memiliki dan bergabung dalam keanggotaan Kartu AKU, A Card Flazz atau Kartu AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

Bagi anda yang suka berbelanja tentunya tidak asing lagi dengan minimarket yang satu ini. Sebagai Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart memberikan banyak inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo khusus untuk member-membernya baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan oleh Alfamart sebagai Minimarket pertama yang mempunyai member terbanyak di Indonesia. Ketika mendengar kata "promo" pasti semua orang tertarik, karena pada setiap kegiatan promo pasti akan ada diskon, hadiah atau sesuatu yang menguntungkan lainnya. Dan kabar gembiranya, Alfamart sebagai minimarket besar Indonesia sedang mengadakan penawaran yang menarik, yaitu Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia. Promo Indonesia ini diberikan Alfamart untuk para calon member dan juga member Alfamart.

Minimarket Alfamart yang berdiri sejak tahun 1994 oleh PT. Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk ini yang sekarang sudah memiliki banyak member dan merupakan member terbesar di Minimarket Indonesia. Pertumbuhan  Alfamart di Indonesia sangatlah pesat bak "jamur di musim hujan", terbukti dengan berdirinya cabang-cabang Alfamart yang tidak hanya di kota-kota besar tapi sampai ke pelosok-pelosok kecamatan di seluruh negeri Indonesia.

Alfamart Minimarket Pertama yang memiliki member terbanyak di Indonesia Alfamart Memberikan Motivasi dan Inspirasi serta Inovasi untuk memanjakan membernya. Salah satunya adalah dengan konsisten 2 minggu sekali  memberikan Promo Indonesia khusus untuk Member Alfamart baik untuk berbelanja di Alfamart Minimarket atau pun di merchant-merchant yang banyak bekerja sama dengan Alfamart Minimarket untuk memberikan potongan harga atau harga spesial.

KARTU AKU Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia

    Kartu Aku

Adalah kartu member yang pertama kali diluncurkan Alfamart pada tahun 2005. Dengan Kartu AKU, Member akan dapat memperoleh manfaat dan berbagai macam keuntungan serta Promo Indonesia menarik yang tidak dapat diikuti oleh pelanggan lain yang bukan merupakan member Kartu AKU. Kartu AKU berlaku Nasional di Alfamart seluruhIndonesia.

A CARD FINAL Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    A Card Flazz

Adalah Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 15 Mei 2010 bekerja sama dengan Flazz BCA, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member juga dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran/transaksi karena A Card Flazz merupakan Kartu Prepaid (kartu non rekening yang dapat menyimpan uang untuk keperluan berbagai transaksi).

A Card Flazz dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran tidak hanya diseluruh outlet Alfamart, Alfamidi ataupun Alfaexpress tetapi juga diseluruh merchant Flazz antara lain restoran, salon, toko buku, parkir, bioskop dan masih banyak lagi. Untuk sementara ini, A Card Flazz berlaku di Jabodetabek,Surabaya

KARTU AKU BNI Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
    Kartu Aku BNI

Merupakan salah satu Kartu Member Alfamart yang di luncurkan pada 1 Januari 2010, merupakan kerjasama antara Alfamart dengan Bank BNI. Kartu AKU BNI merupakan kartu multifungsional, yang selain berfungsi sebagai kartu member, juga berfungsi sebagai alat pembayaran. Pengguna Kartu AKU BNI juga akan mendapatkan berbagai keuntungan dan kejutan spesial dari Alfamart serta tentunya dapat mengikuti program-program eksklusif khusus member di Alfamart. Untuk saat ini, Kartu AKU BNI berlaku di Alfamart Jabodetabek.
8 Keuntungan Member Alfamart

   1. Hematku dan Kalender Belanja
   2. Spesialku dan Hadiahku
   3. Special Big Program for "Member Alfamart"
   4. Redemption For "Member Alfamart"
   5. Member Alfamart" Thematic Promo
   6. Special Treatment for "Member Alfamart" Birthday
   7. Special Event/Activities For "Member Alfamart"
   8. Merchant For "Member Alfamart"


Demikianlah penjelasan singkat tentang  Promo Member Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan memberikan pengetahuan Lebih kepada masyarakat agar dapat bergabung menjadi Member Alfamart dan pastikan anda mendapakan keuntungan dan manfaat lebih dari Alfamart Minimarket Lokal Terbaik Indonesia
05.45 | 0 komentar | Read More

Hidup Mesra Tak Kenal Usia

Hidup Mesra Tak Kenal Usia Lionel, 99, dan Ellen Buxton, 100, seolah tak terpisahkan. Menikah 76 tahun silam, pasangan asal Inggris itu membuktikan janji setianya.

Sejak memutuskan berumah tangga pada 1936, pasangan itu hanya sekali menghabiskan malam terpisah satu sama lain.

Raga yang melemah tak menghalangsi letupan kemesraan keduanya yang menakjubkan. "Kami selalu bahagia, kami adalah teman baik juga suami dan istri yang baik," kata Ellen, seperti dikutip mirror.co.uk.

Selama puluhan tahun itu pula mereka memiliki kebiasaan menghabiskan malam indah bersama. Tak melulu makan malam romantis, tapi juga sekadar bersenang-senang bermain bingo.

Mereka kebetulan juga memiliki ketertarikan sama di bidang olahraga seperti memanag, dan sepakbola.

Ellen dan Lionel pertama kali bertemu pada 1930, saat bekerja di pabrik kabel di Woolwich. Ellen yang menjadi teknisi di pabrik itu kerap meminta bantuan Lionel yang menjadi insinyur magang.

"Saya selalu menantikan dia meminta bantuan, jadi saya punya kesempatan untuk berbicara dengannya. Dia begitu baik. Dia cantik," kata Lionel, yang enam bulan lebih muda dari Ellen.

Berbagai liku kehidupan selama puluhan tahun rupanya tak mengikis kemesraan mereka. Termasuk saat Ellen bergulat dengan penyakit kanker dengan kemoterapi yang menyakitkan.

"Kami lebih cinta sekarang dari sebelumnya. Kami terus saling pergi. Kami bukti bahwa cinta sejati tidak pernah memudar," kata pasangan yang telah memiliki empat cucu itu.
03.24 | 0 komentar | Read More

Nokia PureView Untuk Keluarga

Written By rajablos on Selasa, 06 Maret 2012 | 04.24

Nokia PureView Untuk Keluarga Nokia telah memperkenalkan ponsel PureView 808 di Mobile World Congress di Barcelona, Spanyol, akhir Februari lalu. Pada perhelatan itu, PureView 808 menyabet penghargaan sebagai best new mobile handset.

Apa yang membuat PureView 808 menarik? Tak lain adalah kamera beresolusi 41MP dengan lensa Carl Zeiss, beserta teknologi kamera PureView itu sendiri. PureView menggunakan teknologi oversampling piksel, sebuah metode pengelompokkan piksel-piksel kecil yang digabungkan untuk membentuk super piksel tunggal.

Nokia mengklaim, teknologi ini yang mampu menangkap gambar yang jauh lebih bersih walau berada di ruangan bercahaya rendah.

Ukuran file foto dari kamera berteknologi PureView tidaklah besar. Pihak Nokia menyatakan, teknologi PureView membuat ukuran file foto setara dengan 5MP. Jadi, tidak perlu khawatir foto-foto tersebut membuat penuh media penyimpanan.

Nah, rencananya, Nokia bakal menyematkan teknologi PureView pada smartphone Lumia yang bersistem operasi Windows Phone. Hal ini diungkapkan oleh Vice President Marketing Nokia Jo Harlow, kepada suratkabar asal Finlandia, Aamulehti.

Harlow tidak memberi bocoran kapan hal itu akan terjadi. Ia hanya mengatakan, tidak akan memakan waktu lama untuk PureView datang ke keluarga Lumia.

Nokia nampak ingin memberi nilai tambah untuk Lumia. Pasalnya, vendor asal Finlandia ini menaruh harap besar pada Windows Phone.

Vice President Nokia Victor Saeijs, pernah mengatakan pada awal Februari lalu, investasi Nokia pada Windows Phone harus meraih sukses karena mereka tidak punya plan B.
04.24 | 0 komentar | Read More

1691 Population Exposed to TB Babel

Written By rajablos on Kamis, 17 Maret 2011 | 04.16

the number of TB sufferers in the Babel estimated at 1691 people. From these estimates, the Office of Babylon health coverage to target the discovery of new cases reached 70 percent of the amount estimated. It is said Head of Health Office of Babylon PL P2, Hastuti, when found Bangka Pos,

"Estimation of TB sufferers, the way was counted every 100 thousand inhabitants there are an estimated 160 people a positive patients with tuberculosis of the matter is, with a population of Babylon that exists," he said.

For that, obviously Hastuti, the institute will seek to implement the DOTS strategy (Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse), both at the provincial level, kabuapten / city and around the pukesmas that is in Babylon, and will expand in the expansion of services in collaboration with hospitals.

"For hospitals that already run the DOTS strategy and has trained officers such as public hospitals Pangkalpinang, Cape Pandan.Sedangkan Sungailiat and private hospitals who have cooperated with Medika Stania, Bhaktiwara Unit and also other small clinics," said Hastuti while recognizing not all covered DOTS program.

Previously, the discovery of new cases of TB patients in 2007 increased compared to previous years. This increase, he explained was not the case more and more but the discovery of cases increases. "2007 has been as many as 821 patients, before last year's 785 new patients were detected by us," said Hastuti.

Hastuti add, TB disease, the spread of germs Myco bacterium tuberculosis from direct contact or point droplate saliva saliva of sick people who inhaled by healthy people.
04.16 | 1 komentar | Read More

TB Death Risk Higher Than Bird Flu

RISK patient deaths Tuberculosis (TB) is much greater than the deaths caused by the spread of  bird flu  virus  or Avian Influenza (AI). Director of Direct Transmitted Disease Control (P2ML) (MOH), Tjandra Yoga said, judging from the number of deaths that occurred, every year there is 88 thousand deaths from tuberculosis  in Indonesia.

"If the amount is divided by 365 days a year, an average of 200 deaths from TB occur in a day," he said as quoted by Antara.

He compares the facts with the spread of bird flu in this country which has caused 133 people infected, in which 108 patients of whom died.

"But that should still be wary of bird flu pandemic is if it happens," he said.
He said, in the case of tuberculosis, a decline in the number of patients in 1990 compared to last. At present, he added, the number of tuberculosis patients in Indonesia reached about 250 thousand people. Decreased compared to 1999, which reached about 282 thousand people.

"Likewise, the number of deaths from tuberculosis, from 193 thousand per annum in the 1990s, quinine is only about 88 thousand per year," he said.
One effort is considered successful in suppressing these TB patients is with the strategy of directly observed treatment shortcourse (DOTS), namely the direct supervision through short-term treatment. However, he also recognizes that not all hospitals in Indonesia are already apply this system.

"Only about 20-30 percent of hospitals that have applied this system," he said.

Even worse, he added, is minimal, even almost no practitioners who use these DOTS strategy.
04.15 | 0 komentar | Read More

Being accused of laundering Jeans TB source

Pollution caused by business laudry and dry cleaning or washing and dyeing jeans in Sukabumi Selatan, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta impact on local people. Each month, the number of new cases of tuberculosis or pulmonary tuberculosis increased between 2 to 4 people.

"In July alone there are about 27 patients with pulmonary TB who are old patient. This August, new patients get 4 people to 31 people," said Nani, a nurse at Community Health Centres (PHC) Kelurahan Sukabumi Selatan, Friday (8 / 8 .) Nani said, most people with pulmonary TB is an employee of the business of washing and dyeing of jeans.

"There are also some residents affected by this disease. But the most are employees of the laundry," said Nani. He guessed, one of the causes of people affected by pulmonary TB disease is generated by inhaling air from the factory better than the chemicals used and air pollution from the smoke produced from burning.

From the summary data of patients treated during 2008 as written on a big board in one corner of the PHC had seen the number of pulmonary tuberculosis patients is higher than other diseases such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infections (ARI). The numbers listed, pulmonary tuberculosis patients between 28 to 38 patients per month.

While patients with diarrhea and acute respiratory infection between 10 to 20 people per month. Nani confirmed, patients with diarrhea and acute respiratory infection is still relatively less than that of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

Separately, the mayor of West Jakarta Rahmadan Djoko said the implementation of the relocation effort of washing and dyeing of jeans will be carried out in 2010.

"There's no way to relocate this business for granted. It took them a long time because they have to find a suitable location for the business," said Djoko. Alternative places for relocation include Semanan and Pulogadung Industrial Area.

According to former District Administration Thousand Islands are just a few weeks of this mayor's office, although relocation is delayed but that businesses must make efforts to improve the environment.

"Business agents should no longer use water from ground water wells drilled atu. They shall use water from taps," said Djoko. Lapse of time also, the business must make a wastewater treatment plant or WWTP communal. If there are businesses who can not make a WWTP, efforts should be closed and join with other similar businesses.

The most important thing to do in that business, Djoko added, is to make a written statement to be willing to relocate. When you do not want to sign this statement, the business must be closed immediately. This relocation plan, he added, was submitted to the Governor Fauzi Bowo.

Chairman of Community Care Community Kebon Jeruk Word Yunus said, delay the relocation effort of washing and dyeing of jeans means adding a lot of suffering people. Two-year residents are left to wait for this business relocated. This means that during the two years it will more and more of our citizens are exposed to TB disease.

"What the government want all the people affected by pulmonary tuberculosis," said the Word which pressing for the relocation as soon as possible.
04.14 | 0 komentar | Read More

Contaminated Laundry jeans, TB Patients Increase

Pollution caused by the effort of washing and dyeing jeans in Sukabumi Selatan, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, have an impact on local people. Each month, the number of new patients with pulmonary tuberculosis or TB increased from two to four people.

"In July alone there are about 27 patients with pulmonary TB who are old patient. This August, the new patients added four people to 31 people, "said Nani, a nurse at the health center Kelurahan Sukabumi Selatan,

Nani said, the majority of pulmonary tuberculosis patients are employees of the business of washing and dyeing of jeans. "There are also some people who get the disease, but the most are the employees of laundry," said Nani.

Although Nani yet to confirm the cause, suspected of residents sick from inhaling the air from the plant, whether derived from chemicals used to wash jeans as well as burning coal smoke.

Based on data recapitulation patients treated during 2008 at the big board in one corner of the clinic, the number of people with lung dominates compared to other diseases. Based on monthly data, the average is above the 28 patients. Even had reached 38 patients.

While diarrhea and upper respiratory infections (ARI), an average of just over 10 patients. Nani confirmed that patients with diarrhea and acute respiratory infection is still relatively much less than pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

Year 2010
Separately, the mayor of West Jakarta Rahmadan Djoko said the implementation of the relocation effort of washing and dyeing of jeans will be carried out in 2010. "There's no way to relocate this business for granted. It took a long time because they have to find a suitable location for this business, "said Djoko.

Alternative places for relocation, among others Semanan (West Jakarta) and Pulogadung Industrial Estate (East Jakarta). According to former District Administration Thousand Islands are just a few weeks of this mayor's office, although relocation is delayed, that businesses must make efforts to improve the environment. "They are no longer allowed to use water from ground water or artesian well. They must use water from taps, "Djoko said firmly.

Simultaneously, businesses are required to make waste water treatment plant (WWTP) communal. "If there are businesses who can not make a WWTP for no other reason businesses have closed," he said.

The most important thing to do in that business, Djoko added, is to make a written statement to be willing to relocate. "If you do not want to sign this statement, the business must be closed immediately," said Djoko. Relocation plan has been submitted to the Governor Fauzi Bowo.

At City Hall, Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta Provincial Secretary Muhayat said, now Jakarta government was reviewing the steps associated with business relocation plan laundering and dyeing of jeans.
04.12 | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not underestimate Early Symptoms of TB

Handling of infectious tuberculosis or TB disease in Kulonprogo has not been maximized because the patient is generally too late to check yourself. Not only that, the patients also lack the self motivation to recover.

Delivered Tuberculosis Programme Officer Slamet Riyanto Kulonprogo Health Office on Wednesday (13 / 8) at Wates, Kulonprogi, inspection delays caused by the attitude of patients who tend to underestimate the initial symptoms of TB. In fact, if the symptoms of the disease is severe enough, such as cough with chest pain, patients also did not directly check into the health center.

"They're just looking for an alternative treatment with a massage or taking herbal method. It's actually very dangerous for the patient, because TB disease will be more severe, and likely will infect many people, "Slamet said when met at Wates, Wednesday (13 / 8).

Separately, the Institute for Prevention and Treatment Nurses Pulmonary Disease (BP4) Wates Triasih admit, there are many new patients with TB that the disease is severe enough. However, patients can be cured with intensive treatment and regular.

Slamet Kulonprogo also urged people not to hesitate to consult a health clinic when experiencing the symptoms of tuberculosis such as cough, fever, weight loss, and feeling restless. Almost all the clinics in Kulonprogo equipped with inspection tools and the whole process of sputum examination and treatment free of cost.

Based on the data held Kulonprogo Health Department, in 2007 there were 1985 suspected tuberculosis patients by the number of patients with acid-fast bacilli (AFB) positive reached 195 people, and the number of people died around four people. Whereas until the mid-year 2008, there were approximately 1005 patients with suspected tuberculosis, sputum smear positive about 66 people, and no one has died.

"If seen, the tendency is always stagnant number of TB patients every year. Whenever there are changes, it is not very significant compared to the previous time period. We are also still investigating the cause, "said Slamet.
04.10 | 0 komentar | Read More

Apparently Resistant TB Curable

TUBERCULOSIS, or TB that is resistant to many current treatments can be overcome with aggressive therapy. Drug resistance experienced by TB is associated with increased mortality. At least 7 percent of cases of the infection throughout the world because of this resistance.

This concern is untreatable, the scientists found a new way to cure is possible with combination therapy, at least five drugs. This report from the Lancet said.

Experts in Britain said it was good news. But of course, resources should be mobilized for further research. Multi Drug Resistant (MDR) TB in the UK are around 50 to 70 percent every year, especially for those who use the drugs isoniazid and rifampin.

But in the case of resistant tuberculosis in extensive management experience or extensively resistant (XDR), at least two of the second-line treatments are also worthless. Some experts have speculated that XDR-TB is effectively untreatable. However, the facts show 52 people died in 16 days in South Africa after an outbreak among patients with HIV.

In a recent study conducted on 600 patients with resistant TB in Russia, the researchers found that almost 5 percent of them had XDR-TB. Each patient was treated under the strain her illness. The goal is to provide at least five drugs that diidap special strain that could be acceptable or appropriate treatment targets.

Almost half of XDR-TB patients and 67 percent of patients with MDR TB under control. Study leader Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, from Harvard Medical School, USA said, "Aggressive management of this infectious disease is feasible and can prevent high mortality rates and further transmission of bacterial strains resistant to drugs."

Dr. John Moore-Gillon, spokesperson for the British Lung Foundation, said the bad news is that we have XRD-TB and spread. "The problem we have is inadequate control over this disease. It needs a big effort to overcome this problem with a structured and comprehensive program."

John reveals that the most important of the report in this journal is that XDR-TB can be solved even with a very expensive cost. MDR-TB, said John would cost tens of thousands. But XDR TB need more than that.
04.09 | 0 komentar | Read More
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